Global Venue Sourcing.
Finding the ideal event venue can be extremely time consuming. Save time and make better use of internal resources by allowing us to conduct a comprehensive search on your behalf. We are 100% impartial and have access to the full spectrum of event venues; hotels, conference centres, historic buildings, museums, sports stadia and much more.
We can support with venues that specialise in hybrid and virtual conferences. If you are looking for ways to enhance your virtual conference then we can help find availability at a professional broadcast studio. If you are looking for a venue that can host the live element of your hybrid event then we can help find a suitable space.
Simply send us an event brief, we then act on your behalf to source suitable options that match your requirements. We then send you a fully detailed and costed proposal, with all information relevant to each property on single document from a single point of contact.
Tap into our global supplier networks and volume buying power to find the best possible rates at venues around the world. Once your venue has been confirmed, we remain on hand to assist in any way we can.
Our venue finding service is free of charge throughout the UK and Europe – we can also help in the rest of the world and work with a number of key local suppliers (but there may be a charge outside the UK and Europe).
Team Building and Incentive Programmes
We take the time to learn about the group, their objectives, industry, interests, demographics, background and budget. We then use this information to create a totally unique and customised team building or incentive programme. We don’t do “off-the-shelf”. We have worked with our clients to create one-of-a-kind incentive programmes in London, Madrid, Vilnius, Ljubljana, Cambridge, The Peak District and in many other locations around the world.
Event Management
Want assistance with the finer details and extra pairs of hands there on the day? HotelRes’ work with a number of Event Management companies that can offer the additional support. We consult with you to find out exactly what aspects you need taking care of: delegate registration, planning and logistics, attendee packs, devising event concepts, AV and event technology, catering and dining, budgeting, marketing and communications. We then put you in touch with the most suitable partner.