The HotelRes Reconnect Cambridge Walk

Our hotel and venue colleagues have effectively been closed to the majority of people during the pandemic.  They have not been idle, and most have used the opportunity to refurbish, update and add to their offerings.

We wanted to do something to highlight and support our colleagues in the countdown to restart!  We are based in Cambridge so we thought we would also try to raise money for one of the local charities (many who have suffered during the pandemic) while reconnecting with our closest hotels and venues.

So, the Reconnect Cambridge Walk was born.  Our approximately 10-mile route will take in as many of venues and hotels as possible.  We will use social media to highlight each venue we visit, letting you know when they are reopening and what they have been up to while you have been unable to visit.  The charity we have chose to support is  Cambridgeshire-based Romsey Mill.

 Romsey Mill

Romsey Mill is a charity dedicated to creating opportunities for change with young people, children and families in Cambridgeshire—including teenage parents, young people with autism, families with small children, and young people experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage. Each year, they work with over 2,000 individuals and families, from Cambridge city and across areas of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  We have chosen this charity as much needed funding has been lost during Covid 19 and we want to help a smaller local charity that does so much good – and helps bring transformation to young lives.

 The Walk and Reopening Schedule

The walk will be on the 4th May which will before the scheduled restart date. Currently from the 17th May hotels/venues can allow all travellers to stay overnight and socially distanced meetings can resume.  If all goes to plan, after the 21st June events can take place without restrictions in numbers.  There are test events planned so that guidelines can be drawn up.  Under consideration are: proof of a negative test before entry; rapid testing on site; vaccine passports.  We think it may end up being a combination of all three especially at events for over 100.  It is hoped that this will mean that there will not need to be social distancing measures in place which would restrict numbers massively.  It will also help inspire confidence in events so delegates can return knowing they are safe to do so.

 How You Can Be Involved

Look out for our social media posts highlighting our great local venues and if you want to support our chosen charity – Romsey Mill,  then our just giving page is: